PHP Tutorial

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PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP OOP Concepts
This is the index of PHP OOP. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP MySQLI Prep Statement
In the current tutorial we will study how to create prepared statement in mysql and how to retrieve values using mysqli::prepare, mysqli::prepare - Prepares a SQL query and returns a statement handle to be used for further operations on the statement. The query should consist of a single sql query. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP HTML Form
In the current tutorial we will study about PHP and HTML form, we will see how to send HTML . We will combine one html file and PHP file to display data. It is a very common application and you can further modify the code using some validation checking etc. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Function
In this tutorial you will come to know about functions in PHP.With the help of functions we can reduce time and effort, all we need to do is create a function and put the necessary coding into it and we can call this function from anywhere of the program. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP For Each Loop Function
In this current tutorial we will study about for-each loop in PHP.In PHP associative array gives us more power to use arrays in more effective way, like we can associate any key with a value. To fetch values from associative array we need to use for each loop. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP For Loop Function
In this current php tutorial we will study about for loop using in PHP program. We will study about different formats of for loop, how to initialize the variable inside the loop, condition checking, changing the value of the variable etc. In for loop construct there are three parts... View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Do While Loop
In the current tutorial you will come to know about Do-While loop function in PHP. The Do-While loop function is another type of loop which runs at least once, since this loop checks the condition after executing the code within. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP While Loop
In the current tutorial we will study while loop statement in PHP. In programming language we need to use loops for executing a set of instruction more than one time, there are mainly three types of loops are used namely for, while and do while. Apart from these there are some loops are used in different languages like until, for each etc. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Control Statement
PHP Conditional statements helps us to perform different actions for different decisions. You can use conditional statements to control the flow of the program according to the requirement of the program. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP AJAX Dropdown
In this current tutorial we will see how to connect a simple drop down menu and mysql table using php and JavaScript (Ajax as whole) and to display the related data on the screen from the table. View Rating
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