Maven Dependency n-cube >> 2.8.2

In this page we are giving Maven Dependency of com.cedarsoftware >> n-cube version2.8.2



You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of com.cedarsoftware >> n-cube version2.8.2 in your project.

In this page we are going to discuss about n-cube version 2.8.2 maven dependencies. Maven tool is project management tool which you use to manage your project and easily use n-cube version 2.8.2 dependency by just including the code discussed here in pom.xml file of your Maven project.

Maven dependency automatically download dependent library of n-cube version 2.8.2 and include the necessary jar files in the project.

Code given here should be included inside <dependencies> ...... </dependencies> tag in the Maven configuration file pom.xml.

We also explained you dependency code of different build system like Gradle Dependency, SBT Dependency, Ivy Dependency, Grape Dependency etc...

Maven dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

Maven dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2:


Gradle Dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

compile group: 'com.cedarsoftware', name: 'n-cube', version: '2.8.2'

SBT Dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

libraryDependencies += "com.cedarsoftware" % "n-cube" % "2.8.2"

Ivy Dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

<dependency org="com.cedarsoftware" name="n-cube" rev="2.8.2"/>

Grape Dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

    @Grab(group='com.cedarsoftware', module='n-cube', version='2.8.2')

Leiningen Dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

[com.cedarsoftware/n-cube "2.8.2"]

Buildr Dependency of n-cube version 2.8.2

