PHP Tutorial

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PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables Form
If you want to use one variable into multiple pages you will have to opt one out of three methods : View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables from URL
Are you facing problem passing variable from URL? Don't worry, it is quite easy to learn and implement into your project. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables Functions
In this tutorial we learned about how to create functions or how to use predefined functions. If you want to see the real power of PHP you should use PHP functions. There are more than 700 in-built functions in PHP. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Echo Variables
Echo() is used to display the output of your program. It is not a function so, it is not necessary to use parenthesis after echo. If you want to passed more than one variable to display then it shouldn't be enclosed within parenthesis. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables Default Value
In this tutorial we will learn how to set default value in PHP variables or Functions. If there is no value in the variable passed to the function call than only the default value is used by the function. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables Dump
There are some moments in our application when we face some problems or we work on someone else project the first thing we do is to check the detail of the contents or application either it is an array or object in php. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables Concatenate
PHP Concatenate Variable - When we have more than one variable and we want to use those variable in one line or paragraph then we used the concatenate variables in php to compile them. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables Case Sensitive
A variable is the location where we stores the value or information according to the which data types it belongs to. While declaring the variable in PHP, we always keep in mind that PHP is case sensitive. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Boolean Variables
In PHP we have different kinds of data types such as integers, float, character, double and so on. There are one logical data type which is called Boolean data type. It is a primitive data type having either true or false values. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Variables between Scripts
PHP Variables between Scripts.As you know how to define variables and how to use them in your form. Now, we learn how to use PHP variables between scripts. It is quite similar as using variable in a normal manner. View Rating
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