PHP Tutorial

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PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Instruction Separation
In this tutorial we will study about how to separate instruction in PHP. In general we use ; sign to separate the instructions but what are the other ways are present in PHP are discussed in this tutorial. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Escaping HTML Tag
In this current tutorial we will study about how to escape from HTML tag, there are mainly four ways to do this, each of these tags are explained in this tutorial subsequently you can check the examples for better understanding View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP References Explained
This tutorial covers three basic operations performed by references, assigning values by references, passing by references, returning by references etc. In PHP references means to access the same variable by two or more different names. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Debug Backtrace
In this tutorial we will study about another interesting feature of PHP, called debug_backtrace() method, this method helps us to generate the backtrace in PHP. You can also check the format of it and examples will help you to learn it precisely. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Trigger Error
In the current tutorial we will study about trigger error method, This method is used to trigger an user level error message, it can be displayed along with the built-in-error handler, or with a user defined function. Along with it we will study what is the functionality of it, how it should be implemented etc. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Clone Object
In this PHP tutorial, we will study about cloning of object, how to make a clone object, what are the process of cloning in PHP 5 and how is it different from PHP 4 View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP set static Method
In this current tutorial we will study about a new method called __set_static(), which is introduced in PHP 5. With the help of this method we can assign values to a new object dynamically. Examples will help to understand the concept View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP invoke Method
Have you ever wondered that how to call an object as function? Thanks to __invoke method, introduced in PHP 5.3.0, with the help of this function we can do it. The present tutorial is all about this PHP invoke function. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP toString Function
In PHP 5.3.0 a method has been introduced called toString(), basic functionality of the method is to print an object, how? current tutorial is trying to focus on this topic. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Sleep Wakeup Method
This is one of the magic method provided by PHP. The __sleep function in PHP is useful when we have very large objects in our program and we do not want to save the object completely and __wakeup() of PHP is used to reestablish the database connections that may have been lost during any phenomenon. View Rating
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