The ObjectAid UML Designer

The ObjectAid UML Designer is optimized for the creation of UML class diagrams from existing Java source code and libraries within the Eclipse IDE.

The ObjectAid UML Designer

The ObjectAid UML Designer


The ObjectAid UML Designer is optimized for the creation of UML class diagrams from existing Java source code and libraries within the Eclipse IDE. It was created to fulfill needs that no other UML tool seems to address:

  1. A class diagram of existing code should always reflect the current code and not just some earlier, reverse-engineered version.
  2. To better understand the code structure, all relationships (i.e. generalizations, realizations, associations, dependencies and nesting) must be available in the diagram. This includes associations that end in a Collection or Map.
  3. Whether a class field is an attribute or an association should depend on the current context in the class diagram, not just some setting of the reverse engineering process.
  4. When confronted with unknown code, one typically starts at one class and explores from there along its relationships. This requires special support to find related classes and add them to the diagram.
  5. Refactoring of the source code should keep class diagrams intact.

What does it do?

The ObjectAid UML Designer allows software developers to document and explore Java source code and libraries. It supports an agile approach software development with seamless integration into the Eclipse IDE and many ease-of-use features:

  1. Create new class diagrams with a wizard.
  2. Drag and drop Java types from the Package Explorer, the Type Hierarchy and the Search view.
  3. All relationships are reverse engineered automatically: Generalizations, realizations, associations, nesting and dependencies.
  4. Associations are also determined from generic Collections and Maps or can be added manually for non-generic Collections/Maps. Two unidirectional associations can be merged into one bidirectional association.
  5. Class fields can become associations when the referenced class is in the diagram, otherwise they are just attributes.
  6. Inspect javadoc and source code for any type in your diagram in the Javadoc and Declaration views.
  7. Build your diagram incrementally by adding new types that have a relationship with a type already in the diagram. Select generalized, realized, associated and nested types from the context menu of a type or field to add them to the diagram. Or use to the familiar References context menu to find references to a class in the diagram.
  8. When you update your source code, all open diagrams reflect the changes as soon as the source file is saved.
  9. When you refactor your source code, all diagrams in the workspace are updated automatically (even if they are not open).
  10. The Outline view shows all types in the diagram, along with their fields and methods. It also has a thumbnail of the diagram for easy navigation in large diagrams.
  11. Save your diagram as a GIF file so it can be incorporated into other documents.

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