

//why is the output of the program exp1 and 3?whts this concept about ?? class Exp { public int x=3; public void abc() { x+=5; System.out.println("the method of exp"); }


public class Exp1 extends Exp { public int x=8;

public Exp1(int y)

public void abc()
    System.out.println("the method of exp1");

public static void main(String[] rr)

    Exp b=new Exp1(10);;
    System.out.println("the value of="+b.x);


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May 25, 2012 at 12:59 AM

In the previous chapter we talked about super classes and sub classes. If a class inherits a method from its super class, then there is a chance to override the method provided that it is not marked final.

The benefit of overriding is: ability to define a behavior that's specific to the sub class type. Which means a subclass can implement a parent calss method based on its requirement.

In object oriented terms, overriding means to override the functionality of any existing method.

class Exp {<br><br>
    public int x = 3;

    public void abc() {
        x += 5;
        System.out.println("the method of exp");


public class Exp1 extends Exp {
    public int x = 8;

    public Exp1(int y) {
        x = y;

    public void abc() {
        x += 5;
        System.out.println("the method of exp1");

    public static void main(String[] rr) {

        Exp b = new Exp1(10);;
        System.out.println("the value of=" + b.x);

/*Out put of the program:<br>
 * the method of exp1<br>
 * the value of=3<br>
 * <br>
 * <br>
 * */

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