Do..While Loops


Do..While Loops

The do...while statement always execute the block of code once, then check the condition, and repeat the loop until the condition is true.

The do...while statement always execute the block of code once, then check the condition, and repeat the loop until the condition is true.

3.10.2. Do…While Loops

The do...while statement always execute the block of code once, then check the condition, and repeat the loop until the condition is true.




code to be executed;


while (condition);


Here we define i = 1, and then increment i with 1. The code first execute i=1+1, print 2; then it checks the further condition. The loop continues until i reaches to either 5 or less than 5.






echo “The number is “ . $i . “<br />”;


while ($i<=5);



The number is 2

The number is 3

The number is 4

The number is 5

The number is 6
