Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF) version 1.4 is now available


Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF) version 1.4 is now available

Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF) version 1.4 is now available ? Wednesday, 20 Aug 2008

Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF) version 1.4 is now available ? Wednesday, 20 Aug 2008

JPPF has recently announced the availability of the Version 1.4 in the market.

The very best new features included in JPPF version 1.4 are-

·          The new JPPF library has the build and version information.

·        It provides the facility of restart or shutdown of nodes from a distant Administration console or by using the API.

·    Features in automatic load-balancing between local and remote executions which facilitates the clients to process their tasks locally.

·          Implementation of multi-core multi-CPU hardware.

·          Same codes can be processed purely in both local and distributed way or also in an integrated manner.

·          In the distributed execution of small computing tasks, the overhead is minimized or disappeared.

·    To carry out a much easier implementation of the technology, the nodes security policy can be downloaded form the server.

·          Collection of the CPU time used by the tasks is done by the nodes.

The open source JPPF (Java Parallel Processing Framaework) Community is based on java technology dealing in Grid Computing. It enables the applications to run in parallel and also accelerates their execution. It applies the popular java idiom ?write once, deploy once, run everywhere?.

The JPPF has a three-tiered architecture comprising of the following three layers-

· Client Layer: This layer includes an API and communication tools which enable the submission and execution of the tasks by the framework in parallel.

· Service Layer: This layer provides interface for the between the clients and the nodes. It also manages the execution queue, the load-balancing and recovery features. It is responsible for the dynamic loading of both framework and application classes onto the appropriate nodes.

·  Execution Layer: This layer consists of the nodes which execute individual tasks and  return the execution results. The nodes dynamically request the JPPF driver for the code needed to execute the client tasks.

The basic features of a JPPF framework are-

·         A JPPF Grid can be uploaded and run easily and quickly, only in a few minutes.

·      It is a simple programming model which deals with the complexity of distributed and parallel processing.

·  It features as a highly scalable java framework for distributed execution of CPU-related tasks.

·          It seamlessly integrates with the J2EE application servers.

·          It provides graphical tools that monitors and administers the executions.

·       It provides highly reliable services featuring self-repair and fault-tolerence abililities.

·          It includes a completely documented sample JPPF applications providing solution to real-life problems.

·          It can be run on any platform that is based on the java technology.

·          It is an source project featuring a flexible, business-friendly licensing policy.

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