#include #include void main() { void read(int *,int); void display(int *,int); void sort(int *,int); void mergelist(int *,int *,int *,int); int a[5],b[5],c[10]; clrscr(); printf("Enter the elements for the first array \n"); read(a,5); printf("The elements of first array are : \n"); display(a,5); printf("Enter the elements for the second array \n"); read(b,5); printf("The elements of second array are : \n"); display(b,5); sort(a,5); printf("The sorted first array in decending order are :\n"); display(a,5); sort(b,5); printf("The sorted second array in decending order are :\n"); display(b,5); mergelist(a,b,c,5); printf("The elements of merged list is \n"); display(c,10); getch(); } void read(int c[],int i) { int j; for(j=0;j