public class identifierandpdatatype{ public static void main(String[] args){ byte byteident = 3; short shortident=100; int intident = 10; long longident = 40000; char charident = 'a'; String stringident = "chandan"; float floatident = 12.0045f; double doubleident = 2333333.000000000033343343434f; System.out.println(byteident + " is the value of identifire named 'byteident' which primitive data type is byte."); System.out.println(shortident + " is the value of identifire named 'shortident' which primitive data type is short."); System.out.println(intident + " is the value of identifire named 'intident' which primitive data type is int."); System.out.println(longident + " is the value of identifire named 'longident' which primitive data type is long."); System.out.println(charident + " is the value of identifire named 'charident' which primitive data type is char."); System.out.println(stringident + " is the value of identifire named 'stringident' which primitive data type is string."); System.out.println(floatident + " is the value of identifire named 'floatident' which primitive data type is float."); System.out.println(doubleident + " is the value of identifire named 'doubleident' which primitive data type is double."); } }