Hide/Show paragraph by button click
In this tutorial, we will discuss about how to hide/show paragraph by clicking on button using jQuery.
In this tutorial, we will discuss about how to hide/show paragraph by clicking on button using jQuery.
Hide/Show paragraph by button click
In this tutorial, we will discuss about how to hide/show paragraph by
clicking on button using jQuery. In the below example, button click event
generate action of hiding paragraph and it also displays another button "click
to show paragraph " .when we click on it , it will display paragraph ,which was
hided previously.
<!DOCTYPE html>
p { background:#DAA520; font-weight:bold;}
<script src="jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<button id="butt1">Click to hide Paragraph</button>
<button id="butt2">Click to show Paragraph</button>
<p>This will Hide after clicking button</p>
<p>It will hide too....................</p>
$("#butt1").click(function () {
$("#butt2").click(function () {
Before clicking any button :
After clicking button :
After clicking above button :
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here to see demo