Using JDBC API ,frontend java applications can execute query and fetch data from connected database.
Using JDBC API ,frontend java applications can execute query and fetch data from connected database.JDBC Components
Jdbc has following components--
Using JDBC API ,frontend java applications can execute query and fetch data from connected database. JDBC API can also connect with multiple application with same database or same application with multiple Databases which can be reside in different computers(distributed environment).
2. JDBC Driver Manager
' Driver Manager' of JDBC interface defines 'objects' which is used to connect java application with 'JDBC Driver'.' Driver Manager' manages the all the 'JDBC Driver' loaded in client's system. 'Driver Manager' load the most appropriate driver among all the Drivers for creating a connection.
3. JDBC Test Suite
JDBC Test Suite is used to check compatibility of a JDBC driver with J2EE platform. It also check whether a Driver follow all the standard and requirements of J2EE Environment .
The ODBC bridge or drivers should be installed on work site for proper working of this component .The JDBC Driver contact to the ODBC Driver for connection to the database. The ODBC Driver is already installed or come as default driver in windows for pcs .In Windows 'Datasource' name can be create using control panel >administrative tools>Data Sources (ODBC).AFTER Creating 'datasource' ,connectivity of 'datasource' to the 'database' can be check .Using this "data source", you can connect JDBC to ODBC.