VRule Control in Flex4


VRule Control in Flex4

The VRule control is a MX component. It has no Spark component. The VRule is used to create a single vertical line.

The VRule control is a MX component. It has no Spark component. The VRule is used to create a single vertical line.

VRule control in Flex4:

The VRule control is a MX component. It has no Spark component. The VRule is used to create a single vertical line. It is used for dividing a space. You can use the strokeWidth, strokeColor, shadowColor properties for set a style. If strokeWidth is 1 then you can use only strokeColor properties for set a color.
If strokeWidth is more than 1 then You can use strokeColor and shadowColor properties for set a color.
The tag of VRule control is <mx:VRule>.


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"



minWidth="955" minHeight="600">

<s:Panel title="VRule Control Example" width="245" height="158">

<s:HGroup x="13" y="13">

<mx:Label text="Left Side Portion"/>

<mx:VRule strokeWidth="5" strokeColor="0x0000ff"/>

<mx:Label text="Right Side Portion"/>




In this example you can see how we can use a VRule control in Flex4.


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