Sorting by multiple columns in AdvancedDataGrid in Flex4


Sorting by multiple columns in AdvancedDataGrid in Flex4

In this example you can see how we can sort a AdvancedDataGrid control using multiple column .

In this example you can see how we can sort a AdvancedDataGrid control using multiple column .

Sorting by multiple columns in AdvancedDataGrid in Flex4:

In this example you can see how we can sort a AdvancedDataGrid control using multiple column . We will set a sortExpertMode property. It is a Boolean type. If it is false and you click on any column then it will be sort in ascending order after that you click on another column the AdvancedDataGrid will be sort by this column. If it is true then you can sort whole AdvancedDataGrid. You will click on one column then it will be sort by this column after that you will press ctrl key and you will choose a multiple column for sort a AdvancedDataGrid control.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""



minWidth="955" minHeight="600">



import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


private var student:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([

{Course:"Course", children: [

{CourseName:"B.Sc.", children:[

{Branch:"Physics", Girls:60, Boys:120, TotalStudent:180, PASSinper:98.0, FAILinper:2.0},

{Branch:"Chemistry", Girls:100, Boys:50, TotalStudent:150, PASSinper:97.0, FAILinper:3.0},

{Branch:"Mathematics", Girls:50, Boys:150, TotalStudent:200, PASSinper:98.5, FAILinper:1.5}]},

{CourseName:"", children:[

{Branch:"CS", Girls: 45, Boys:75, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:99.0, FAILinper:1.0},

{Branch:"IT", Girls: 55, Boys:65, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:99.5, FAILinper:0.5},

{Branch:"EC", Girls: 25, Boys:95, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:96.7, FAILinper:3.3},

{Branch:"EI", Girls: 40, Boys:80, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:95, FAILinper:5},

{Branch:"Mechanical", Girls:10, Boys: 80, TotalStudent:90, PASSinper:97.5, FAILinper:2.5},

{Branch:"Civil", Girls: 15, Boys:45, TotalStudent:60, PASSinper:92, FAILinper:8}]},

{CourseName:"B.Pharma.", children:[

{Branch:"Pharmacy", Girls:70, Boys:130, TotalStudent:200, PASSinper:99.8, FAILinper:0.2}]},

{CourseName:"M.B.A.", children:[

{Branch:'HR', Girls:48, Boys:72, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:100, FAILinper:0},

{Branch:'Finance', Girls:40, Boys:80, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:85, FAILinper:15},

{Branch:'Marketing', Girls:20, Boys:100, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:99, FAILinper:1},

{Branch:'IT & HR', Girls:30, Boys:90, TotalStudent:120, PASSinper:100, FAILinper:0}]},

{CourseName:"M.C.A.", children:[

{Branch:"Computer Science", Girls:30, Boys:90, TotalStudent: 120, PASSinper:99.1, FAILinper:0.9}]}





<s:Panel title="Sorting by multiple columns in AdvancedDataGrid" height="422" width="756">




x="13" y="13"



<mx:HierarchicalData source="{student}"/>



<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Course"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="CourseName" headerText="CourseName"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Branch"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Girls"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Boys"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="TotalStudent"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="PASSinper"/>

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="FAILinper"/>






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