LinkBar Control in Flex4


LinkBar Control in Flex4

The LinkBar control is a MX component. It has no Spark component. The LinkBar control sets to Link Buttons in a horizontal and vertical layout.

The LinkBar control is a MX component. It has no Spark component. The LinkBar control sets to Link Buttons in a horizontal and vertical layout.

LinkBar control in Flex4:

The LinkBar control is a MX component. It has no Spark component. The LinkBar control sets to Link Buttons in a horizontal and vertical layout. You can use the viewStack as a child container. You can use the dataProvider property for providing a data to the control. You can also use the LinkBar control for a link to another URL, http request. You can use the addItem(), RemoveItem() method to manipulate the dataprovider property.
The tag of LinkBar control is <mx:LinkBar>.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""



minWidth="955" minHeight="600">

<s:Panel title="LinkBar Control Example" width="430" height="121">

<mx:LinkBar borderStyle="solid" id="linkbar1"

itemClick="navigateToURL(new URLRequest('' +

String(event.label).toLowerCase()), '_blank');"

x="15" y="20"


color="#413ebb" fontWeight="bold">



<fx:Object label="FLEX" icon="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/flex4component/linkbar/icon-flex.jpg')" />

<fx:Object label="J2ME" icon="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/flex4component/linkbar/j2me-icon.jpg')" />

<fx:Object label="HIBERNATE" icon="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/flex4component/linkbar/Hibernate-Switch.gif')" />

<fx:Object label="MYSQL" icon="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/flex4component/linkbar/mysql.gif')" />






In this example you can see how we can use a LinkBar control in Flex4.


Running Application:

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