Module in Flex 3


Module in Flex 3

In the Flex 3, Modules are dynamically loadable SWF that contains an IFlexModuleFactory class factory.

In the Flex 3, Modules are dynamically loadable SWF that contains an IFlexModuleFactory class factory.

Module in Flex 3:-

In the Flex 3,  Modules are dynamically loadable SWF that contains an IFlexModuleFactory class factory. They can be loaded if application requires to load these module and they can be unloaded when application no longer needs a module.  These modules can not be run independently of an application. In this example you can see how to create a module with the help of module class. More then one applications also used these modules. An MXML-based module file's root tag is <mx:Module>.

First we will create a module after that we will compile it.


This is loginmodule.mxml code:-

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<mx:Module xmlns:mx="" width="100%" height="100%" >


import mx.controls.Alert;

private function submit():void{

var name:String = loginnametext.text;

var password:String = loginpasswordtext.text;

if(name!="" && password!=""){"User Name is :" + name);

loginnametext.text = "";

loginpasswordtext.text = "";


else{"Enter correct name and password!");





<mx:Panel id="loginpanel" height="200" width="328">

<mx:HBox width="302">

<mx:Label id="loginname" text="Enter name "/>

<mx:TextInput id="loginnametext"/>


<mx:HBox width="301">

<mx:Label id="loginpassword" text="Enter password"/>


<mx:TextInput id="loginpasswordtext" displayAsPassword="true"/>




<mx:Button label="Submit" click="submit()"/>





main.mxml code:-


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

<mx:ModuleLoader url="loginmodule.swf"/>



In this example user can also see we have too use module loader class for load login module in the main application.



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