Flex DateChooser with selected Date


Flex DateChooser with selected Date

In this tutorial we can discuss how to set Date that are selecteable in the DateChooser. And also discuss this process in this tutorial.

In this tutorial we can discuss how to set Date that are selecteable in the DateChooser. And also discuss this process in this tutorial.

DateChooser With selectedDate Property:-

In this tutorial you can see how to use selectedDate property with DateChooser controls in flex. Firstly create <mx:DateChooser control and set id of this control. After that create a method that are set selectedDate object with full date with this DateChooser. And you can see the selected year in the text box in this tutorial.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">



private function initDC():void {

date2.selectedDate=new Date (2010, 3, 10);





<mx:DateChooser id="date2" creationComplete="initDC();"/>

<mx:TextInput text="{date2.selectedDate.fullYearUTC}"/>





you can see output of this example with selected date.
