Posted on: April 3, 2006 at 12:00 AM
XSLT is used to transform the XML data into HTML, XHTML and other formats.


In this section we will discuss about XSLT and understand the different use of XSLT.

The XSLT stands for the Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations Language and it is used to transform the XML data into HTML, XHTML, WML etc. There are API's in Java and other programming langauges for XSLT transformation.

Developers may use the XSLT API to generate dynamic content (into HTML or XHTML format) for their website. If you are developing the mobile website you can use the same XML data and the generate different version of the website for mobile and web.

The XSLT is also used to generate the PDF, PostScript, AWT and PNG file formats.

The XSLT is being developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the current version of the XSLT is 2.0.

Example of XSLT in Java

More Tutorials on roseindia.net for the topic XSLT.
XSLT In this section we will discuss about XSLT and understand the different use of XSLT. The XSLT stands for the Extensible Style sheet Language... etc. There are API's in Java and other programming langauges for XSLT
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; <title>XSLT Test</title> <meta http-equiv="...;br /> XSLT:<br /> <div style... only $.ajax({ url: 'xslt-test.xml'
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. Then with the help of JavaScript and XSLT you can parse the data and display
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