In this section, you will learn to make JTree editable nodes.

Editable JTree Nodes

In this section, you will learn to make JTree
editable nodes. For example. . If you want
to edit the name of a tree node then the following program
will help you a lot.
Program Description:
This program constructs a JTree that contains editable nodes. Firstly, it defines a class
Here we have used the init() method to create
the nodes (Root, open,
close, save, save as, and exit) of the tree. These nodes are added in a JTree object and we set
the editable mode to " true " through the setEditable() method. The init() method
adds these components to the JFrame. When you want to edit these components,
just double click them and rename them..
This method takes a boolean value that is either a 'true' or a 'false'. When
you enter true it becomes editable.
Here is the code of this program:
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class JTreeEditable extends JFrame {
DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
public JTreeEditable() {
super("Editable Tree Frame");
setSize(200, 200);
public void init(){
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root");
DefaultMutableTreeNode file = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("File");
DefaultMutableTreeNode open = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Open");
DefaultMutableTreeNode save = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Save");
DefaultMutableTreeNode saveas = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Save As");
DefaultMutableTreeNode exit = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Exit");
treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(root);
JTree tree = new JTree(treeModel);
treeModel.insertNodeInto(file,root, 0);
getContentPane().add(tree, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String args[]) {
JTreeEditable st = new JTreeEditable();
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