In this section we will discussed the I/O Byte Streams.
Java I/O Byte Streams
In this section we will discussed the I/O Byte Streams.
This Stream handles the 8-bit binary input/output of data. Byte streams are used where the program needs to work with the raw binary data. In Java to handle I/O raw binary data the byte stream classes are defined. For all of the byte stream classes InputStream and OutputStream are the root classes.
An image given below demonstrate the class hierarchy of Byte Stream classes.
Classes of byte stream
InputStream : An abstract super class of all the classes which represents the input data as byte (8-bit).
Methods of InputStream
- available() : returns the number of readable bytes from the
input stream.
public int available() throws IOException
- close() : This method is used to close the input stream and
the resource associated to the stream is get released.
public void close() throws IOException
- mark(int readLimit) : This method is used to mark the
current position in the input stream.
public void mark(int readlimit)
- markSupported() : This method is used to specify that
whether the input stream supports the mark and reset methods.
public boolean markSupported()
- read() : This method is used to read next byte of data
of input stream.
public abstract int read() throws IOException
- read(byte[] b) : This method is used to read the byte from
the input stream and kept them to the buffer array.
public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException
- read(byte[] b, int off, int len) : This method is used to
read bytes from the input stream upto the len bytes.
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException
- reset() : This method is used to repositioned the stream
where the mark method was marked the current position in the input streeam.
public void reset() throws IOException
- skip(long n) : This method is used to skipped over and
discarded the data of n bytes from the input stream.
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
Some subclasses of the InputStream class are as follows :
Byte Stream Classes | Description |
FileInputStream | FileInputStream takes input bytes from a file. |
ByteArrayInputStream | A ByteArrayInputStream can retain bytes read from the input stream using its internal buffer |
SequenceInputStream | The input streams can be logically concatenated using SequenceInputStream. |
StringBufferInputStream | The string's content supplies bytes read to an input stream which is created by an application.
The StringBufferInputStream class allows an application to do this. |
FilterInputStream | It has some additional input stream used as basic data source, these input streams can provide transformation of data and extra functionality. |
DataInputStream | It allows an application to read java's data type using an input stream which is independent of machine. |
BufferedInputStream | It provides additional functionality to the input stream such as capability to buffer. It also supports reset and mark methods. |
PipedInputStream | The data byte written on piped output stream is provided by PipedInputStream. But before that it must connect to the piped output stream. |
PushbackInputStream | To sum up the ability to "push back" or "unread" one byte to other input stream, a PushbackInputStream is used. |
OutputStream : An abstract super class of all the classes which represents the output data as byte (8-bit).
Methods of OutputStream
- close() : This method is used to close the output stream and
the resource associated to the stream is get released.
public void close() throws IOException
- flush() : This method is used to flush the output stream
and if there is any unwritten output bytes in the buffer forced to write out
public void flush() throws IOException
- write(byte[] b) : This method is used to write the b.length
bytes of a specified byte array to the output stream.
public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException
- write(byte[] b, int off, int len) : This method is used to
write the specified byte (len) of a specified byte array started from the
specified offset (off) to the output stream.
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException
- write(int b) : This method is used to write the specified
byte into the output stream.
public abstract void write(int b) throws IOException
Some subclasses of OutputStream class are as follows :
Byte Stream Classes | Description |
FileOutputStream | FileOutputStream is used write data to a File or to a FileDescriptor. |
ByteArrayOutputStream | ByteArrayOutputUsingStream provides the facility to write data into a byte array using the output stream. |
FilterOutputStream | All the classes that filter output streams is the subclasses of the FilterOutputStream superclass. |
DataOutputStream | It allows an application to write java's data type(primitive) to an output stream. |
BufferedOutputStream | The BufferedOutputStream provides the facility to contains the byte into the buffered output stream. |
PrintStream | It provide ability to the other output stream to print several data value's representation. |
PipedOutputStream | For creating communication pipe, piped output stream should be connected to piped input stream. |
For detail description please visit the java doc of package