The for Keyword

The for is Java keyword that is used to execute a block of code continuously to accomplish a particular condition.

The for Keyword

The for Keyword


The for is Java keyword that is used to execute a block of code continuously to accomplish a particular condition. The for loop specifies the statements to be executed, exit condition, and initialization variables for the loop. The exit condition is evaluated before the first iteration of the loop. It starts a looping block.

This statement consists of tree parts i.e. initialization, condition, and iteration.

 initialization :
It is an expression that sets the value of the loop control variable. It executes only once.

 condition : 
This must be a boolean expression. It tests the loop control variable against a target value and hence works as a loop terminator. 

 iteration :
It is an expression that increments or decrements the loop control variable. The increment statement is executed after each execution of the body of the loop, before the condition is evaluated for the next iteration. 

The syntax of declaring a for loop is: 

for(initialization; condition; iteration){
/body of the loop



 For example, a sample for loop may appear as follows:  

class ForDemo{
  public static void main(String[] args){

  for ( int c=0; c < 5; c++ )  {

  System.println("Iter=" +c);




 In the above example, we have initialized the for loop by assigning the '0' value to i. The test expression, i < 5, indicates that the loop should continue as long as i is less than 5. Finally, the increment statement increments the value of i by one.

The for keyword may not be used as identifiers i.e. you cannot declare a variable or class with this name in your Java program. You can also use this keyword for nested loop i.e. loop within loop.