Example to show Collection exception in java

Here we are describing the use of using exception class in java .Exceptions are the way in Java to indicate to a calling method that an abnormal condition has occurred.

Example to show Collection exception in java

Here we are describing the use of using exception class in java .Exceptions are the way in Java to indicate to a calling method that an abnormal condition has occurred.

Example to show Collection exception in java

Example to show Collection exception in java


Here we are describing the use of using exception class in java .Exceptions are the way in Java to indicate to a calling method that an abnormal condition has occurred. This tutorial describes  how to handle collection exceptions appropriately in your programs and designs. The steps involved in the program are described below:-







import java.util.*;

public class CollectionException {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
  ArrayList List = new ArrayList();
  for (int index =10; index < List.size(); index++) {
  catch(Exception ex){
  System.out.println("Please check the list, element does not exists"

Output of the program

Please check the list, 
element does not existsIndex: 4, Size: 3


Note:-To correct the exception you have to give the specified index that exists in the Array list.  

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