What is D2D?

D2D stands for disk-to-disk technique that is an effective and superior method of backing up the data by utilizing hard disks as the storage medium. This technology is very useful for the companies as these can back up the lost data when the hard disk c

What is D2D?

What is D2D?


D2D stands for disk-to-disk  technique that  is an effective and superior method of backing up the data by utilizing hard disks as the storage medium. This technology is very useful for the companies as these can back up the lost data when the hard disk crashes or corrupted by any means. This is an advance technology that is superior to the traditional technique in which data tape was used for backing up the data. Random array of independent disks has enhances the strategy of D2D backup. The advance configured motherboard that supports varieties of RAID has lots of advantages in the data back up technique. Multiple RAID utilize multiple disks in varieties of way that enhance the speed of backing up, provide redundancy and offer error correction. Whether D2D has the facility of RAID or not, it is every time superior to traditional methods of data storing via tape or optical storage.D2D has two types.

· True D2D
· VTL (Virtual Tape Library).

True D2D has the same strategy of data back up that happens in the D2D technique, while Virtual Tape Library is not a true D2D as it stores the data similar to tape format. Even though it is much faster than tape but still incorporates many of tape's limitations. The biggest quality of D2D is that it provides "instant" backup and restoring capacity because the system recognizes the backup files as originals. These files are always handy and easy to restore with a simple double click that not need to maintain external archives as it happens in the tape cartridges. D2D does not have any sort of tape. D2D including SATA RAID also provides hot swapping. So D2D has not any demits only has lots of advantages.