Java Data Objects

This section gives you brief description of JDO, features and benefits of JDO specification. The Java Data Objects or JDO for short is Java's new API for interacting with databases. JDO API is a standard interface-based Java model abstraction of persisten

Java Data Objects

JDO - Java Data Objects


This section gives you brief description of JDO, features and benefits of JDO specification. The Java Data Objects or JDO for short is Java's new API for interacting with databases. JDO API is a standard interface-based Java model abstraction of persistence, developed as Java Specification Request 12 JSR 12 ( under the auspices of the Java Community Process. 

The current version JDO 2.0 is under Java Specification Request 243 JSR 243. Now from JDO 2.0, the development of the API and the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) is under Apache JDO open source project. 

The Apache JDO project is focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. Commercial and open source implementations of JDO, providing the APIs used by application developers and their customers, are available for relational databases, object databases, and file systems.Java Data Objects (JDO)

Why use JDO?

JDO has revolutionized the way database access process, making the life of java programmer easier. Here are the key benefits of Using JDO for Application Programming.

  1. Ease of use: Now the application programmers can focus on their domain object model and persistence related matter can the handed over to the JDO implementation.
  2. Portability: JDO applications are portable portable and can run on multiple implementation of JDO without recompiling. The Metadata is used in JDO  to describes persistence behavior external to the Java source code including most commonly used features of O/R mapping, is highly portable.
  3. Database independence: The applications written with the JDO API are independent of the underlying database so it can support many databases.
  4. High performance: JDO is optimized and provides optimal performance.
  5. Integration with EJB: You can even integrate it with EJB.