Setting and Getting Data in jsp through the Session

In this example you will learn how to make Form with the help of html in jsp. By this example you can easily learn how we can get data from one page to another page. You can retrieve data from one page to another page only when the session is true .

Setting and Getting Data in jsp through the Session

Setting and Getting Data in jsp through the Session


In this example you will learn how to make Form with the help of html in jsp. By this example you can easily learn how we can get data from one page to another page. You can retrieve data from one page to another page only when the session is true . If you disable the session in your code,  some thing like this: <%@ page language="java" session="false"%> when the Session value is false, no one can retrieve data from any Form. Please remember that the default value of the Session is true.

Program Description: 

In this program first page that appears to the user displays name and email which user have to fill. There are two buttons labeled "next" and "reset" to go in the next page and clear the current form entries respectively. In the next page there are three address lines to fill and the "next" button to go in the next page. In the third page a text area is shown, labeled "description" where the user can write whatever he/she wants to describe and one more button, labeled "finish". On clicking the finish button a new page comes where the user is thanked to complete the previous pages. In this page there is a link "click here" to see all the information filled by the user in previous pages.

Code Description:
In the code of the pages we have used getParameter() method to get the parameters from the previous page and setAttribute() of the session object to set the attribute to the session so that we can access these attributes later in the forthcoming pages. These attributes can be used as global which can be used anywhere in the application. To set the attribute we pass the name of attribute as a string by which this attribute will be known in the session and the name of attribute that has been specified in the previous page. To get these attributes from session we use getAttribute() method of the session object and pass the name of attribute which we have specified during setting this attribute in setAttribute(). It returns the attribute in the form of Object so we need to typecast it in the String object. Finally you will get all attributes in the "information.jsp" where you can show them in the required format.

Code for form1.jsp :

     <body bgcolor="#FFEAF4">
        <form action="form2.jsp" method="post">
	   <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing
="0" height="30%" width="50%">
	       <tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
      		   <td><B>Name:</B><br><input type="text"
 name="name" value="" size="20" /><td>
		<tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
		   <td><B>Email:</B><br><input type="text"
 name="mail" value="" size="20" /></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
		   <td><input type="submit" value="NEXT" 
/><input type="reset" value="Reset" /></td>

form1.jsp page :

form2.jsp :

String name = request.getParameter("name");
session.setAttribute("theName", name);
      String email = request.getParameter("mail");
session.setAttribute("theemail", email);
  <body bgcolor="#FFEAF4">
      <form action="description.jsp" method="post">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 
               decolor=""#E2FEFD height="30%" width="50%">
	<tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
        <input type="text" name="Address1" value="" size="30" />

	<tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
	<td><B>Address2:</B><input type="text" 
        name="Address2" value="" size="30" /></td>

	<tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
	<td><B>Address3:</B><input type="tex
t" name="Address3" value="" size="30" /></td>

	<tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
	<td><input type="submit" value="NEXT" /></td>

form2.jsp page :

description.jsp :

       String address1 = request.getParameter("Address1");
   session.setAttribute("address1", address1);
         String address2 = request.getParameter("Address2");
     session.setAttribute("address2", address2);
  String address3 = request.getParameter("Address3");
     session.setAttribute("address3", address3);
  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  <form action="result.jsp" method="post">
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="30%" width="50%">
      <tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
      <td><B>Description:</B><br><textarea name="description" rows="12"  
      <tr bgcolor="#FBFBFB">
      <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Finished" /></td>

description.jsp :

result.jsp :

   String description =
      session.setAttribute("description", description);
      out.println("Thanks for completing the wizard.");
         String description =
      session.setAttribute("description", description);
      out.println("Thanks for completing the wizard.");
      Plz, <a href="information.jsp">click here </a>for
      showing details.

information.jsp :

	out.println("Name : " + (String)session.getAttribute("theName") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Email ID: " + (String)session.getAttribute("theemail") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Address1: " + (String)session.getAttribute("address1") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Address2: " + (String)session.getAttribute("address2") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Address3: " + (String)session.getAttribute("address3") + "<br/>");
	out.println("description: " + (String)session.
getAttribute("description") + "<br/>");

information.jsp page :