

I am new to GUI Java programming and I am attempting to find the best way of creating a frame to contain a series of menus. I am first adding logic to have the date and time appear in the frame, but the way I am doing it they are both showing up on the same line and I can't seem to find any sources on how to get these and additional text to appear on separate lines. The Lab is to write a program called that creates a GUI having the following properties:

Object- Property- Setting-
JFrame Name mainFrame
Caption Messages
Layout FlowLayout

JButton Name cmdGood
Caption Good
Mnemonic G

JButton Name cmdBad
Caption Bad
Mnemonic B

Add individual event handlers to the your program so that when a user clicks the Good button, the message Today is a good day! appears in a dialog box, and when the Bad button is clicked, the message I'm having a bad day today! is displayed.
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February 2, 2010 at 3:39 PM

Hi Friend,

Do you want to create menu or Buttons on frame?
Please clarify this.


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Day.Gui - Java Beginners
Day.Gui  I am new to GUI Java programming and I am attempting to find the best way of creating a frame to contain a series of menus. I am first adding logic to have the date and time appear in the frame, but the way I am doing
