import*; import java.util.*; public class StackImplement{ Stack stack; String str; int num, n; public static void main(String[] args){ StackImplement q = new StackImplement(); } public StackImplement(){ try{ stack = new Stack(); InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(ir); System.out.print("Enter number of elements : "); str = bf.readLine(); num = Integer.parseInt(str); for(int i = 1; i <= num; i++){ System.out.print("Enter elements : "); str = bf.readLine(); n = Integer.parseInt(str); stack.push(n); } } catch(IOException e){} System.out.print("Retrieved elements from the stack : "); while (!stack.empty()){ System.out.print(stack.pop()+" "); } } }