php array binary search


php array binary search

This section demonstrates how to use the binary search Array in the php

This section demonstrates how to use the binary search Array in the php

  • PHP Binary Search Array is used to search the given value in the array.
  • In php there is no function for the binary search like java or other language.
  • User can implement and use the binary search in php as given below





     function binarySearch($value,$first,$last) {

         if($last<$first)   {

              return -1;



          global $ar;


          if($a===$value)  {

              return $mid;


          else {

              if($a>$value) {



         else {

              if($a<$value) {





       return binarySearch($value,$first,$last);


     foreach ($ar as $a)

     echo " ".$a;



     if($y>=0)  {

     echo "<br>".$val." is present at ".$y." position in the given array";



     else  {

     echo "<br>".$val ." is not prsesnt in the given array ";



