SCJP Module-6 Question-10


SCJP Module-6 Question-10

The given sample program will test your understanding about the use of try, catch, finally in Java. This helps very much to clear your concepts about the exception handling.

The given sample program will test your understanding about the use of try, catch, finally in Java. This helps very much to clear your concepts about the exception handling.

Given below the sample code :

 1 public class SuperClass {
 2 static String str = "";
 3 public static void main(String[] args) {
 4 try {
 5 str += "2";
 6 throw new Exception();
 7 } catch (Exception e) { str += "3";
 8 } finally { str += "4"; interrupt(); str += "6";
 9 }
10 System.out.println(str);
11 }
12 static void interrupt() { int a = 0; int b = 8/a; }
13 }

How can we correct the above code :

1. No need of correction.

2. By placing the method "interrupt" inside "try" block.

3. By changing the value of variable 'a' to any number except zero.

4. By removing the "interrupt" method from this code.

Answer :

(2) or (3) or (4)

Explanation :

Error in this code is due to the ' / by zero ' operation of method "interrupt()".
