SCJP Module-4 Question-17


SCJP Module-4 Question-17

The program given below test your aptitude of Inheritance and method overloading and prepare you for SCJP exam.

The program given below test your aptitude of Inheritance and method overloading and prepare you for SCJP exam.

Given the following sample code:

         void Twin(int a, float b) { System.out.println("Hello ");}

class SubExample3 extends Example3{
         public void Twin(int a, float b)throws        
              System.out.println("Hello "); }

How can you correct above code ?

1. By removing the "throws" clause.

2. By changing the type of arguments of overriding  method.

3. By increasing the number of arguments.

4. Correction is not needed.

Answer :


Explanation :

"IOException" is not compatible with "throws" clause .
