SCJP Module-12 Question-5


SCJP Module-12 Question-5

The Sample program will test your understanding about the Locale Class in Java.

The Sample program will test your understanding about the Locale Class in Java.

Given below the sample code :

1  import java.text.*;
2  import java.util.*;
3  public class dateclass {
4  public static void main(String args[]){
5  Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
6  System.out.println(locale);
7  // Insert code here
8  System.out.println(locale);
9  DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
10 Date myDate = new Date();
11 String myString = df.format(myDate);
12 System.out.println(myString);}}

What will be at line 7 to print date in locale of Canada(French) ?

1. locale = new Locale("fr", "CA");

2. df.setLocale(Locale.CA);

3. locale = new Locale("fr", "CA");

4. locale = new Locale("fr", "CA");



