SCJP Module-1 Question-15


SCJP Module-1 Question-15

The given program checks your understanding of static methods and also function overloading concepts. And it is also very useful for SCJP examination.

The given program checks your understanding of static methods and also function overloading concepts. And it is also very useful for SCJP examination.

Given a sample code:

public class Sample {

public static void outcome(short a) {
System.out.print("short ");

public static void outcome(Long a) {
System.out.print("LONG ");

public static void main(String[] args) {
short shortVar = 1;
long longVar = 109002;

What will happen when you compile and run the above give sample code?

1) Compile time error
2) Compile and print "short long"
3) Compile and output of null
4) Compiles but gives Runtime Exception




It will compile and run successfully there is no issue of using the static method here.
