MX Mask Effect in Flex4


MX Mask Effect in Flex4

A mask effect is a subclass of the MaskEffect class. The Mask Effect class include the wipe and Iris effect. It is a overlay effect.

A mask effect is a subclass of the MaskEffect class. The Mask Effect class include the wipe and Iris effect. It is a overlay effect.

MX Mask Effect in Flex4:

A mask effect is a subclass of the MaskEffect class. The Mask Effect class include the wipe and Iris effect. It is a overlay effect. To control the mask by using mask property. You can use the several properties of the MaskEffect which are following:
scaleXFrom, scaleYFrom, scaleXTo, and scaleX which is used for the initial and final position of the mask. In this example we use a canvas as a mask which is provide the mask effect to the Image component.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""



minWidth="955" minHeight="600">

<s:Panel title="MX Mask Effect Example" width="476" height="448"

chromeColor="#000000" color="#CCCCCC">

<mx:Image source="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/image/b.jpg')"

x="10" y="10" mask="{maskCanvas}">





<mx:Canvas x="13" y="12"

width="447" height="388"








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