String fromCharCode() method example in Action Script3


String fromCharCode() method example in Action Script3

String provide a method to find characters by the character code using fromCharCode() method.

String provide a method to find characters by the character code using fromCharCode() method.

String fromCharCode() method example in Action Script3:-

String provide a method to find characters by the character code using fromCharCode() method. we have define a string using this method. User can see how to use this method to find string.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


xmlns:mx="library://" creationComplete="init();">



import mx.controls.Text;

import mx.controls.Alert;

private function init():void{

var str:String = "Brijesh";

mytext1.text = "The string is " + str;

mytext2.text = "The define string is " + (String)(String.fromCharCode(66, 114, 105, 106,101, 115, 104, 75, 117, 109, 97, 114));




<s:Panel width="200" height="250" title="String form character code" backgroundColor="0x81B5AA">


<mx:Text id="mytext1"/>

<mx:Text id="mytext2"/>





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