SQL Decimal

SQL Decimal is used to specify the values in decimal datatype.

SQL Decimal

SQL Decimal


SQL Decimal is used to specify the values in decimal datatype. The Decimal datatype can be of two types : Decimal (p) refers to floating point and Decimal fixed point (p,s). The DECIMAL data type can store decimal floating-point numbers up to a maximum of 32 significant digits and Decimal fixed point can store upto 16 significant digits.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrate an example from 'SQL Decimal'. To understand and grasp the example we create a table 'emp' that has the required fieldnames and datatypes respectively.

Create table stu:

Create table emp( id int, name varchar(15), salary decimal(5));

Insert values:

The insert into is used to add the records to the table 'emp'.

insert into emp values (1,'Ajay',12000);
insert into emp values (2,'Bhanu',12000);
insert into emp values (3,'Komal',12000);
insert into emp values (4,'Rakesh',12000);

emp table

mysql> select * from emp;
| id   | name   | salary |
| 1    | Ajay   | 12000  |
| 2    | Bhanu  | 12000  |
| 3    | Komal  | 12000  |
| 4    | Rakesh | 12000  |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)