/* This program simulates rolling two pairs of dice until the totals showing on both pairs are the same. The number of rolls is reported. Use the class PairOfDice. */ public class RollTwoPairs { public static void main(String[] args) { PairOfDice firstDice; // Refers to the first pair of dice. firstDice = new PairOfDice(); PairOfDice secondDice; // Refers to the second pair of dice. secondDice = new PairOfDice(); int countRolls; // Counts how many times the two pairs of // dice have been rolled. int total1; // Total showing on first pair of dice. int total2; // Total showing on second pair of dice. countRolls = 0; do { // Roll the two pairs of dice until totals are the same. firstDice.roll(); // Roll the first pair of dice. total1 = firstDice.die1 + firstDice.die2; // Get the total. System.out.println("First pair comes up " + total1); secondDice.roll(); // Roll the second pair of dice. total2 = secondDice.die1 + secondDice.die2; // Get the total. System.out.println("Second pair comes up " + total2); countRolls++; // Count this roll. System.out.println(); // Blank line. } while (total1 != total2); System.out.println("It took " + countRolls + " rolls until the totals were the same."); } // end main() } // end class RollTwoPairs