Java Features

In this section we will discuss about the feature of java, they are as follows.

Java Features

In this section we will discuss about the feature of java, they are as follows.

Java Features

Java Features

In this section we will discuss about the  feature of java, they are as follows.

Simple : Java is a very simple language, syntax is taken from C and C++. so many features are removed like pointer, operator overloading etc. garbage collector is used for object which are not having any reference in memory. so there is a automatic garbage collection in java.

Platform Independent : This is the very important feature of java that make java so popular. Java is a platform independent language so it is called Write Once Run Anywhere(WORA) because output of java code compiler is bytecode that is executed by JVM . Converting a java program into bytecode makes it easier to run on any platform because JVM need to be implemented for each platform.

Secure : Java is secured because it does not provide explicit pointer concept. All program in java are run under Sandbox,  security manager determine what resources a class can access for reading and writing to the disk.

High performance : Java is faster than traditional interpretation ,since java uses bytecode that is close to native code.

Distributed : Through RMI and EJB we can create distributed application, we may access file calling methods from any machine.

Multithreaded : Java is a multithreaded programming language. Multithreading means a separate program executing separately. We can write a program that can have many task and it run simultaneously.

Robust : Java is strong language as it support automatic garbage collection, memory allocation and exception handling and also type checking mechanism from as compare to any other programming language.

Object oriented : object oriented mean it will support four feature of  OOPs:

  • Encapsulation : It is wrapping  of data with the method  together  and using that data and restricting on some object.
  • Inheritance : It is mechanism by which one class can acquire the feature of its super class.
  • Polymorphism : It means create a function ,variable which have more than one form. so by it one object treated like another object and by this way multilevel inheritance is acheived . It is used foe message passing.
  • Dynamic Binding : If a class inheriting super class and have same method , so we don't know which method will compiler called while creating object through dynamic binding means providing maximum functionality to an abject at run-time.


  1. Java Features