Java PipedOutputStream

In this tutorial we will discuss about the PipedOutputStream.

Java PipedOutputStream

In this tutorial we will discuss about the PipedOutputStream.

Java PipedOutputStream

Java PipedOutputStream

In this tutorial we will discuss about the PipedOutputStream. package contains a class PipedOutputStream which can be connected to the PipedInputStream, used for creating communication pipe. In the PipedOutputStream data is written by a thread which is send to the connected PipedInputStream to read the data bytes, these data bytes of PipedInputStream is read by the other thread. Objects of both PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream should not be used by a single thread this may cause a deadlocking of thread. If the pipe (which provides the data bytes to the connected piped input stream) is not longer alive then the pipe is called broken.

There are two constructors of PipedOutputStream to create its object :

Constructor Name
PipedOutputStream() This is a default constructor which creates piped output stream.
PipedOutputStream(PipedInputStream snk) This constructor creates a piped output stream which contains the reference of PipedInputStream. This object is connected to the piped input stream.

Methods of PipedOutputStream

Commonly used methods of PipedOutputStream are as follows :

  • write(int b) : This method is used to write the specified byte into the piped output stream.

    Syntax : public void write(int b) throws IOException

  • write(byte[] b, int off, int len) : This method is used to write the specified length (len) of byte from the specified byte array (b), started from the specified offset 'off' into the piped output stream.

    Syntax : public void write(byte[] b,int off, int len) throws IOException
  • connect(PipedInputStream snk) : This method is used to connect the piped output stream with piped input stream.

    Syntax : public void connect(PipedInputStream snk) throws IOException
  • close() : This method is used to close the piped output stream and after that releases the resources associated with the piped output stream.

    Syntax : public void close() throws IOException
  • flush() : This method is used to flush the piped output stream and then allow the buffered output bytes to write out.

    Syntax : public void flush() throws IOException

Example :

Here I am giving a simple example which demonstrates that how to write bytes to the piped output stream. In this example you will see that the piped output stream is connected to the piped input stream by using the method connect(). Then write the bytes to the piped output stream using write(int b) method and read these written bytes i.e. read the piped input stream bytes using the read(int b) method of PipedInputStream. As result I have format the output i.e. converted the written bytes into the corresponding characters by wrapping the integer value with 'char'.

Source Code :


public class PipedOutputStreamExample 

   public static void main(String[] args)

      PipedOutputStream pos = new PipedOutputStream();
      PipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream();

      try {
	//connect the piped output stream with piped input stream

        // Write to the PipedOutputStream
        // read the PipedInputStream
	int c;
	System.out.println("Written bytes are converted to the corresponding character : ");
        while((c = ) != -1)
	   System.out.print((char) c);
       catch (IOException ioe) 
      }// main closed
}// class closed

Output :

When you will execute the above example you will get the output as follows :

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