MySQL range

May times the programmer needs to find out some specific data which lies in the particular range of values.

MySQL range

MySQL range


May times the programmer needs to find out some specific data which lies in the particular range of values but there is not any predefined function in MySQL but we can also find that particular range's data from the database in MySQL using BETWEEN and AND clauses or write your own simple query.


exp BETWEEN min_value AND max_value

The above syntax is equivalent to the expression (min_value <= exp AND exp <= max_value).

In the following example we will describe you that how one can find out specific data lying between some range. To fire query we must have some data into a table therefore we will first create a table and fill some data into it.


 Query  CREATE TABLE `mca` (
`id` bigint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) default NULL,
`subject` varchar(255) default NULL,
) ;

/*Data for the table `mca` */

insert into `mca`(`id`,`name`,`subject`) values (1,'Amit','Computer'), (2,'Ramesh','Computer '), (3,'Suman','Computer'),(4,'Vineet','Java'),(5,'Sandeep','C++');


| id | name    | subject   |
|  1 | Amit    | Computer  |
|  2 | Ramesh  | Computer  |
|  3 | Suman   | Computer  |
|  4 | Vineet  | Java      |
|  5 | Sandeep | C++       |

 Now suppose we want to know the persons record which lies between the id ranges from 2 to 5 then we can do this with the following query

  Query SELECT id, name, subject from mca where BETWEEN 2 AND 5;

Above query can also be written as below:

SELECT id, name, subject from mca where 
( >=2 && <=5);



| id | name    | subject   |
|  2 | Ramesh  | Computer  |
|  3 | Suman   | Computer  |
|  4 | Vineet  | Java      |
|  5 | Sandeep | C++       |