Java method overloading

Example below demonstrates method overloading in java. In java method overloading means creating more than a single method with same name with different signatures. In the example three methods are created with same name.

Java method overloading

Example below demonstrates method overloading in java. In java method overloading means creating more than a single method with same name with different signatures. In the example three methods are created with same name.

Java method overloading

Java method overloading


Example below demonstrates method overloading in java. In java  method overloading means creating more than a single method with same name with different signatures. In the example three methods are created with same name. Java understands these methods  with there signatures. Java identifies the methods by comparing their signatures like return types, constructor parameters & access modifier used.






Here is the code:

class Overload {
void test(int a) {
System.out.println("a: " + a);
void test(int a, int b) {
System.out.println("a and b: " + a + "," + b);
double test(double a) {
System.out.println("double a: " + a);
return a*a;
class MethodOverloading {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Overload overload = new Overload();
double result;
result = overload.test(5.5);
System.out.println("Result : " + result);

Output will be displayed as:

Java method overloading

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