Java Break loop

Java contains its own Branching Category in which it has two keywords of opposite nature, break and continue respectively.

Java Break loop

Java contains its own Branching Category in which it has two keywords of opposite nature, break and continue respectively.

Java Break loop

Java Break loop


Java contains its own Branching Category in which it has two keywords of opposite nature, break and continue respectively. In the following example break statement is  used to break two looping statements do-while & for loop respectively. In both loops, break statements are set with if conditions. This java keyword acts as terminator for loops in computer programs, they are used in two forms labeled and unlabeled & in both forms it works efficiently in terminating the loops.






Break Loop Example in Java

public class Java_Break_loop {
public static void main(String args[]) {

boolean value = true, trueValue = true;x
String str = "Heavenly bodies";
int i = 9, modulo = str.length(); // here due to odd integer, loop forming is finite in nature 

System.out.println("welcome to");

if((modulo == i) && (value == true)) // if these if and break statementments are commented then 
break; //this do while loop will become an infinite loop.


System.out.println("\n\nvalue of " + "modulo = " + modulo + " & " + "i = " + i);

System.out.print("\nSwitched : "); 
boolean bool = true;
switch(str.length() - 13) {
case 0 : System.out.println("matrix revolution");

case 1 : System.out.println("body is nothing without mind");

case 2 : System.out.print("Heavenly bodies\n\n");

default : System.out.println("varied environment");


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