File Reader example in JRuby

In this section of JRuby tutorial we will study to Read File in JRuby. We can read and write file on the console or in a file with the JRuby.

File Reader example in JRuby

File Reader example in JRuby


In this section of JRuby tutorial we will study to Read File in JRuby. We can read and write file on the console  or in a file with the JRuby. Here in our example we are reading a text file and printing its content on the console.

FileReaderExample will take the input from the text file JRubyFile.txt and then by reading it line by line, print its content on your console as output. Here is the JRubyFile.txt as follows: 


Hello ! Welcome to RoseIndia Technologies.

1. Amit Kumar Raghuwanshi
2. Vineet Bansal
3. Sandeep Suman
4. Vinod Kumar


require "java"

include_class ""
include_class ""

fileReader = "JRubyFile.txt"
bufferReader = fileReader
str = bufferReader.readLine

while str
puts str.to_s
str = bufferReader.readLine

In  the above example code of FileReaderExample,  first line require "java" shows that we are making our JRuby program enable to use java classes. 

include_class ""
include_class ""

Above lines of code will include java classes FileReader and BufferedReader in our program. It's like importing class in Java program.
fileReader = "JRubyFile.txt"
will create a new instance of class FileReader with taking JRubyFile.txt as its argument.

To read line we have used BufferedReader's method readLine.

bufferReader = fileReader
str = bufferReader.readLine
while str
   puts str.to_s
   str = bufferReader.readLine

Above lines of code will create an instance of BufferedReader class and then we have to read first line of text file with the readLine method. For reading whole text file we have used while-loop in our program.

Here is the output of the FileReaderExample as generated on your screen: 


C:\JRuby>jruby FileReaderExample.rb
Hello ! Welcome to RoseIndia Technologies.

1. Amit Kumar Raghuwanshi
2. Vineet Bansal
3. Sandeep Suman
4. Vinod Kumar

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