
It is a plug-in that reads the row definition from an actual table of the data base, and generates entity (ValueObject) class that shows the table.




It is a plug-in that reads the row definition from an actual table of the data base, and generates entity (ValueObject) class that shows the table.
Getter/setter, the equals method of each row, and the clone method and the method of executing easy DML are generated.
It corresponds to Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL now.

System requirements
  1. Eclipse
    • Operation by 3.0 and 3.1 is confirmed (2. Do not operate in X).
  2. Database Server
    • Oracle
      • Operation by 8.1.5 and 8.1.7 is confirmed.
    • PostgreSQL
      • It tested easily by 8.0.
    • MySQL
      • It tested easily by 4.1.13.
  3. ClientOS
    • It tests only with Windows2000.

Come to know more about : http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http://asakuratakashi.hp.infoseek.co.jp/entitycreator/index.html&wb_lp=JAEN