Convert Number to String

In this section, we will learn how to convert numbers to String.

Convert Number to String

In this section, we will learn how to convert numbers to String.

Convert Number to String

Convert Number to String


In this section, we will learn how to convert numbers to String. The following program provides you the functionality to convert numbers to String.

Code Description:

In this program we have declared different type of  numbers like float, int, long etc as shown below. We have used "valueOf()" method here which is a method of String class. We use "String.valueOf()" for numeric conversions and "toString()" method to convert these numeric classes to String as shown in the code below.

Here is the code of the program:

class NumToStr {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  int i  = 40;
  float f  = (float100.0;
  long l = 3000000;
  String s = new String();

  s = String.valueOf(i);
  System.out.println ("int i = " + s);
  s = String.valueOf(f);
  System.out.println ("float f = " + s);
  s = String.valueOf(l);
  System.out.println ("long l = " + s);
  s = new Integer(i).toString();
  System.out.println ("int i = " + s);
  s = new Float(f).toString();
  System.out.println ("float f = " + s);
  s = new Long(l).toString();
  System.out.println ("long l = " + s);

Output of the program:


C:\unique>java NumToStr
int i = 40
float f = 100.0
long l = 3000000
int i = 40
float f = 100.0
long l = 3000000


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