What is difference between Core Java and Advanced Java?

What is difference between Core Java and Advanced Java?


I want to know about Core Java and Advanced Java. How should I learn these technologies?

What is difference between Core Java and Advanced Java?


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October 15, 2017 at 12:17 PM


Core Java is the basics of Java and in Core Java we have to learn basics of Java. In Core Java you are learning the syntax, OOPs, Classes, Interfaces, Multi threading concepts in Java.

Core Java is used to develop console based and Swing based applications. You can learn core Java to develop console based applications in Java. In Swing there are APIs to create GUI desktop applications.

Advanced Java is used to develop web applications and these web applications runs on Servlet container such as Tomcat.

In Advanced Java you have to learn many topics includeing JSP and Servlets which is necessary to develop web applications in Java.

Core Java Topics:

Advanced Java is advanced topics of Java and developer should learn it after learning Core Java.

So, above tutorials will help you in learning Core Java and then Advanced Java.


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