

1. Write a function that accepts an array of non-negative integers and returns the second largest integer in the array. Return -1 if there is no second largest.

if the input array is return
{1, 2, 3, 4} =3
{{4, 1, 2, 3}} =3
{1, 1, 2, 2} =1
{1, 1} =-1
{1} =-1
{} =-1
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July 9, 2010 at 10:35 AM

Hi Friend,

Try the following code:

import java.util.*;
public class SecondLargestNumber{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter 5 integers: ");
int secondlargest= -1;
int largest = -1;
int numbers[] =new int[5];
for (int i=0;i < numbers.length;i++){
if(largest < numbers[i] ){
secondlargest = largest;
largest = numbers[i];
if(secondlargest < numbers[i] && largest != numbers[i] )
secondlargest = numbers[i];
System.out.println("Second Largest number is: "+secondlargest);


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