HTML markup

HTML markup

What is contained in HTML markup?

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November 1, 2010 at 6:11 PM


Here is the answer,

A ?markup tag? is the fundamental characteristic of HTML. Every markup tag is a command placed between ?wickets? or ?angle brackets??a left bracket (<) and a right bracket (>). Markup tags are not revealed by a web browser; they are invisible.

HTML markup tags are nothing but certain keywords. Tag is enclosed in angular brackets < and >

Tags are represented in two ways.

  1. Start and end tag (paired tags)

  2. An empty tag

Start and End Tag:

In most cases, markup tags (containing commands) come in pairs, with text or a graphic image located between the beginning and ending tags:

An HTML tag looks like

<tag> This is some content </tag>

Here is start/opening tag and is closing/end tag. Both together with content inside them are called as an HTML element.

Nesting Of Paired Tags:

Paired tags can be nested in one another in following way

<p>this is paragraph</p>

An Empty tag:

HTML defines certain tags as empty tags, means they don?t require closing tags and they do not contain any content. Such tags are closed in a start tag only.

<p>This is <br>a paragraph</p>


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